Sibiu Quality Days 

The most important quality management event in Romania 

Time of Uncertainty: How to move successfully in the new era?
Click here to see the details of the Quality Days November 2023. 
Buy tickets for the Quality Days 2023


Formular de înregistrare pentru Sibiu Quality Days 2023

Vă rugăm completați câmpurile de mai jos.
Înregistrarea participanților se va realiza pe criteriul “primul venit, primul servit”.

Condiții înregistrare

Taxa de participare este de 390 de euro de persoană + TVA.
După înscriere veți primi o factură, care reprezintă și confirmarea înscrierii.
Termenul de plată este de 10 zile de la primirea facturii.
Pentru anulările primite după data de 13 noiembrie 2023, se va percepe o taxă de procesare de 50% din taxa de înscriere.

Nu se va acorda nicio rambursare pentru anulările primite după data de 13 noiembrie 2023. Înlocuirea unui participant deja înscris este posibilă printr-o notificare scrisă în care să se precizeze noul înlocuitor.
Ne rezervăm dreptul de a face schimbări in programul evenimentului.
Ne rezervăm de asemenea, dreptul de a anula evenimentul, în cazul in care numarul minim de participanti nu se atinge sau chiar si de altă natură.
În acest caz, garantăm rambursarea taxei de participare fara deducere, orice alte despagubiri suplimentare fiind excluse.
Prin înregistrare, confirmaţi condiţiile de înregistrare şi termenii şi condiţiile generale ale Werner Seeger Qualitaetsmanagement Romania SRL.


14th-15th of November

Get in touch with WSQR Team!
Interested in Speaking or Sponsoring in 2024?


Would you like to add your voice to the event?
Get in touch with us!

Fill out the form to hear about Sibiu Quality Days Conference  participation options.
Our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Click Here

What’s in?
Now in its 10-year edition, this one-of-a-kind conference offers you invaluable insights into the exponential growth of disruptive technologies and the changes those technologies are bringing to the workplace.
With this year’s theme “The future of Quality is now! How do I use digitalization to lead?“ you will get the opportunity to learn and connect from industry leaders and great specialists.
This event combines keynote speech from VDA QMC with 6 interactive workshops moderated by leaders and industry experts – ready to explore topics in a unique and engaged way.


Please find the draft for our Sibiu Quality Days Agenda 2019 by klicking: here

Company Visit
We will visit a very well-known and prestigious company in which we will see in practice the relationship between humans and machines. You will be able to ask questions and discuss first handedly with some of the industry leaders in automatization and digitalization.

Key Speaker
Dr. Yuliya Prakopchyk

Head of Training and Professional Development
German Association of the Automotive Industry/Quality-Management-Centre

Why become a Sponsor?
Sponsoring gives invaluable networking opportunities, providing a social and enjoyable environment to meet with all conference participants and workshop moderators.

Save your sponsorship package!
Position yourself ahead of your competition by enhancing your presence with sponsorship of the key quality services supplier – Werner Seeger Qualitaetsmanagement Romania!

WSQR Team would be glad to provide you with all information about the sponsorship packages :
+40 269 206426 or

340 EUR –Summer fee (up to 31stof August 2019)
360 EUR – Fall fee (1stof September -18thof October 2019)
395 EUR – Regular Price (19thof October- 15thof November)

Be sure to check back often, as workshops content and speakers are continuously being added!

Secure your place at Sibiu Quality Days!

Take this time to connect and make business relationships that will foster success for years to come!
As our customer testimonials guide us, we strive to offer the perfect quality field reunion for creating a highly interactive and great learning experience that is unmatched in the industry.
Sibiu Quality Days by Werner Seeger offer you the opportunity to be on par with some of the leading company from around the country—and that will reinforce your organization’s commitment to quality in the eyes of your competitors, your colleagues, and of course your community.
The agenda will includes workshops tailored to your needs, which will deal with real, practical problems and work out solutions together with the industry experts, who are eager to share their best practices, solutions and results.

Become a sponsor of  Sibiu Quality Days

As a sponsor, you benefit from direct contact with executives from the Romanian industry. For further information, please call +40 269 206426 and stay tuned for the sponsor packages!
Take advantage of this awesome experience and Save the date –  for registration!
 Sibiu Quality Days is an event organized by   Werner Seeger Qualitätsmanagement Romania.